Friday, December 31, 2010

Holy Blog Abandonment!

Alright, so it's been a minute since I've updated or done anything with my blog. A lot has changed since my last update. I have since stopped updating my etsy store (I've abandoned that too), moved to Iowa, and got a big kid job at a non-profit organization. What?! Yeah that's right I'm living a big kid life and as of now it's not too bad but I still miss college. The BF and I are now living together as of late September. He got a job in Iowa and I followed and landed a job shortly after. It worked out really well. Now for the big update. I'm changing the direction of my blog. Instead of posting mostly about what I'm selling on etsy I'm going to focus more on knitting projects, dyeing yarn and techniques (if I ever get anymore bare yarn), cooking/recipes, and home decor stuff. These are the things I have become obsessed with and I need a place to document my successes and undoubtably my failures.

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